Shortcodes and editor buttons


As a list
  • ..The support and updates [...] are AMAZING and the man behind just such an amazing artist/designer and respectfully appreciative man.. IF YOU HAVEN’T already, I promise YOU , THIS Theme is Priceless...S. W. a buyer of "Enfinity"
  • Hi, I want only to say: really, really really fantastic work. Top template! The admin panel is absolutely easy to useM. from Berlin a purchaser of "Delight"
  • If you prefer you can upload an avatar as featured image of the testimonial custom post. Otherwise a simple buddy will be displayed.Some Info
As slides
  • ..The support and updates [...] are AMAZING and the man behind just such an amazing artist/designer and respectfully appreciative man.. IF YOU HAVEN’T already, I promise YOU , THIS Theme is Priceless...S. W. a buyer of "Enfinity"
  • Hi, I want only to say: really, really really fantastic work. Top template! The admin panel is absolutely easy to useM. from Berlin a purchaser of "Delight"
  • If you prefer you can upload an avatar as featured image of the testimonial custom post. Otherwise a simple buddy will be displayed.Some Info

Last tweet

Sorry, no tweets available,
maybe because of the amount of requests
or maybe because Twitter is down...

A simple shortcode to display the last tweet of an account. You can also decide to display or hide the replies and print only the tweets containing or not containing particular words.



M aecenas augue erat, congue ac euismod sit amet, gravida nec massa. Aliquam tincidunt purus non leo commodo mollis. Donec tortor nunc, molestie eget ullamcorper vel, scelerisque tempus eros. Suspendisse suscipit risus a urna dictum eu porttitor diam dignissim. Phasellus nec augue ipsum. Donec facilisis, ipsum non vulputate tristique, tellus nunc fermentum turpis, vel placerat velit turpis vel neque.



Just pass with the mouse over the link to see an example of tooltip above the word and an example of tooltip below the word and this is the code of one of the two examples:

<a href="#">[ pix_tooltip width="" position="top" tooltip="This is a tooltip" ]tooltip above the word[ /pix_tooltip ]</a>


Text boxes

Great, well done

No, you’re wrong

Hey, here is my two cents

Mmm, could you clarify?


Inline edited text

Duis vulputate dui in arcu tempus id convallis urna tincidunt. Morbi venenatis sodales ultricies. Vivamus vehicula est id nibh luctus imperdiet. Donec vel enim a dolor vestibulum fermentum sed a odio. Vivamus neque magna, sollicitudin luctus suscipit sed, varius eu tortor. Donec imperdiet, sapien at lobortis adipiscing, quam purus malesuada lacus, interdum ornare magna sem eget turpis. Sed tincidunt lacinia mollis. Suspendisse blandit laoreet arcu, nec accumsan nunc rhoncus nec. Nunc vulputate sem non nisi commodo ut ultrices mi hendrerit. Cras sodales rutrum tellus. Donec lacus ante, egestas et ornare nec, interdum rhoncus massa. Sed consectetur mauris at nulla semper mollis.



Aliquam risus ligula, gravida ac condimentum at, euismod nec odio. Duis et suscipit felis. Praesent ut metus et dolor aliquet porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Donec ullamcorper tempus gravida. Donec commodo luctus hendrerit. Ut vitae condimentum mi. Quisque pretium quam quis justo fermentum semper.

Praesent vulputate ultricies nisi, nec dignissim lacus aliquet at. Cras vehicula, risus nec accumsan euismod, ligula mi porttitor nisl, fringilla mollis lectus neque vitae magna. Praesent a posuere odio. Praesent orci dolor, porta ut pellentesque et, vehicula sed urna.

Donec elementum sem eget turpis sollicitudin vestibulum. Nam in lacus sit amet erat sollicitudin sodales vel a felis. Pellentesque eu dui ipsum, nec accumsan lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In turpis nulla, pharetra vitae laoreet in, accumsan sed lorem. Phasellus aliquet sodales ipsum, eget laoreet diam tempor sollicitudin.



Quisque pretium

Aliquam risus ligula, gravida ac condimentum at, euismod nec odio. Duis et suscipit felis. Praesent ut metus et dolor aliquet porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Donec ullamcorper tempus gravida. Donec commodo luctus hendrerit. Ut vitae condimentum mi. Quisque pretium quam quis justo fermentum semper.

Ligula mi porttitor

Praesent vulputate ultricies nisi, nec dignissim lacus aliquet at. Cras vehicula, risus nec accumsan euismod, ligula mi porttitor nisl, fringilla mollis lectus neque vitae magna. Praesent a posuere odio. Praesent orci dolor, porta ut pellentesque et, vehicula sed urna.

Phasellus aliquet

Donec elementum sem eget turpis sollicitudin vestibulum. Nam in lacus sit amet erat sollicitudin sodales vel a felis. Pellentesque eu dui ipsum, nec accumsan lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In turpis nulla, pharetra vitae laoreet in, accumsan sed lorem. Phasellus aliquet sodales ipsum, eget laoreet diam tempor sollicitudin.


Google map

(The castle here above is visible from the window of my office.) To use Google maps just press the button here below, and paste an iframe (you can grab the code directly from Google maps, of course). You can set the height and the width of the iframe by using percentages, so the map will be responsive. In this case the width will be relative to the width of the page, the height will be relative to the width of the iframe. For instance, in this example, the width is 100% and the height is 56% (that is a little more than half the width).



You must use the buttons together with the link button, available on the editor by default. You can set the four combinations of colors (the simple one, the first one, the second one and the third one) from the custom admin panel and then select them, together with the size of the button, when you put the shortcode in the editor.


External video

Just paste the iframe from Vimeo, YouTube etc. By using the button provided by Forte you can set responsive width and height as percentages, so the videos won’t exceed the layout size.

Self-hosted video

HTML5 self-hosted videos are displayed by using Flowplayer. You must upload two versions of the same video in this case: MP4 and OGV, plus an image as poster.

Copyright 2013